Mature and widely used Unicode and localization library.
  • Dependencies
  • Features
  • Versions
  • Port Content
tools - Build tools
Available Versions
  • 74.2#4
  • 74.2#3
  • 74.2#2
  • 74.2#1
  • 74.1#1
  • 74.1#0
  • 73.1#2
  • 73.1#1
  • 73.1#0
  • 72.1#5
  • 72.1#4
  • 72.1#3
  • 72.1#2
  • 72.1#1
  • 72.1#0
  • 71.1#0
  • 70.1#0
  • 69.1#19
  • 69.1#18
  • 69.1#17
  • 69.1#16
  • 69.1#15
  • 69.1#14
  • 69.1#13
  • 69.1#12
  • 69.1#11
  • 69.1#10
  • 69.1#9
  • 69.1#8
  • 67.1#8
  • 67.1#7
  • 67.1#6
  • 67.1#5
  • 67.1#4
  • 67.1-3#0
  • 67.1-2#0
  • 67.1-1#0
  • 67.1#0
  • 65.1-4#0
  • 65.1-3#0
  • 65.1-2#0
  • 65.1-1#0
  • 61.1-8#0
  • 61.1-7#0
  • 61.1-6#0
  • 61.1-5#0
  • 61.1-4#0
  • 61.1-3#0
  • 61.1-2#0
  • 61.1-1#0
  • 59.1-1#0
  • 59.1#0
  • 58.2-1#0
  • 58.2#0
  • 58.1#0